Celebrating Everything TRAIN.
It is more than important but vital that the City of Meridian celebrate its trains. The City was founded on the back of the rails, most significantly the Mobile and Ohio, which laid tracks in 1854. The work went quickly and the small village called Sowashee Junction became known as Meridian, a large railroad center by 1864. Bring your children and grandma, too, as Meridian Railroad Museum celebrates the continuance of a large railroad center located in the heart of the Deep South. In this year of 2025, Union Train Depot continues its growth, building tracks and adding destinations which were once only dreams. Come and let us tell you as we Celebrate Everything TRAIN. Oh, and bring the kids to ride our minature train.
- Melton Hdw Dr A layyout
- 9:00 am
- 3:00 pm
- No
- No
- Annual Events
- Fall
- Meridian Railroad Museum
1805 Front Street, Meridian, Ms
- Downtown
- www.meridianrails.org
- Anne McKee
- info@meridianrails.org
- 601-479-2483
- I agree