The Civil Rights Era was a time of activism that changed America forever. This movement toward voting rights, educational and employment opportunities, and racial equality encountered resistance and often violence. Although the dark days of this period continue to define Mississippians to the rest of the world, Freedom Summer workers remember Mississippi as a catalyst for change. Meridian’s Civil Rights history begins decades before this era and continues beyond the turbulent 1960s. It is filled with hatred and discrimination, but also compassion and a belief in equality. The Meridian Civil Rights Trail acknowledges this painful past and celebrates those who fought for a brighter future.

Touring the Civil Rights Trail

The Meridian Civil Rights Trail begins downtown at the African-American Business District. At each marker, a QR code provides access via a smartphone app to a short video about that location. The first seven markers stand within blocks of each other and can easily be toured on foot. After that, you will need a vehicle. Allow at least two hours for the entire tour.

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