Old Marion Cemetery

Trail Marker

4705 Old Homestead Road, Meridian, MS

Old Marion Cemetery contains memorial markers for 11 unknown Confederate soldiers, as well as one honoring Major Constantine Rea. The 11 “Unknown” markers are located at the far left side of the cemetery near the exit. Although the exact burial location for Major Rea is unknown, a marker for him was placed near the center of the cemetery.

Rea made quite a name for himself as a lawyer, newspaper editor, and politician. Stories of his involvement in duels also add to his mystique. Always a man seeking adventure, Rea raised Company F, The Lauderdale Rifles, to join in the Civil War effort. An account of his wartime activities can be found at the Lauderdale County Archives.

Rea’s wife, Margaret, was not content to let her husband be the only war hero in the family. When General Sherman’s troops came to Old Marion they used the bottom floor of the courthouse as a stable for their horses. Upon their departure, they set the building on fire. Margaret Rea, along with her two young daughters and possibly a few others, succeeded in putting out the fire, saving valuable county records from Union flames. Both Constantine and Margaret Rea are buried here, side-by-side in unmarked graves.

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